On Thursday, November 21, our TK and Kindergarten students held their annual Thanksgiving Prayer Service. The students gave thanks to God through prayer and song before enjoying a meal together. They had all brought a food item to donate to our HOPE Ministry. November 21, coincidentally is also the feast day of the Presentation Sisters of the Blessed Virgin Mary. All three sisters residing at the St. Irenaeus convent, Sr. Rosaleen O’Connell, Sr. Rosemary O’Sullivan, and Sr. Annette Figueiredo were invited to attend, along with the parish priests. The sisters were invited not only to share in the prayer service, but also because the school wanted to honor their feast day.

Presentation Sisters

The students gave the sisters cards and a chain of paper lanterns (made by our first and eighth grade buddies), to honor Nano Nagle their founder.  Nano was known as the “The Lady of the Lantern,” because she would often visit the sick and poor at night. With the streets of Cork, Ireland poorly lit, she would be seen carrying a lantern to light her way.

Thanksgiving Day at St. Irenaeus School

In addition to the cards, Mrs. Stella Costello our principal, placed paper lanterns throughout the campus with quotes attached from Nano. Students were challenged to find all the lanterns, read the quotes, and reflect on them.

Paper Lanterns for Nano Nagle

We are very grateful for our Presentation Sisters who founded our school back in 1963. They have been an integral part of our school’s history. Thank you to all the sisters past and present who have assisted in the formation of our students.


Stella Costello honors Presentation Sisters


For more information about St. Irenaeus School, please visit their website.