Posted: June 14, 2024
St. Columban School in Garden Grove has an opening for a full-time, junior high, SCIENCE & RELIGION TEACHER.
The annual salary will be based on the 2024-2025 Diocese of Orange Elementary TEACHER Salary Scale (RANGE: $47,475 – $84,721). Placement on the scale is contingent on education, experience, and qualifications.
Applicants may email a cover letter and resume to: Melissa Geary, Principal ([email protected])
Applicants must complete the diocesan application process through the Department of Catholic Schools. Please copy Nanci De la Rosa-Ricco ([email protected]) on the email to the school. Upon receipt of the cover letter and resume, diocesan application guidelines and forms will be emailed to the applicant. Any questions specifically regarding the application process may be emailed to [email protected].